Manitoba – Province identifies new Lyme disease risk areas – CTV News

CTV Winnipeg  Published Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:16PM CST  Last Updated Wednesday, September 25, 2013 12:29PM CST

Manitoba Health has identified new and expanded Lyme disease risk areas in the province.

The areas were identified through an annual blacklegged tick surveillance program.

The province said Lyme disease transmission is highest where blacklegged ticks are most commonly found.

Officials said the six Lyme disease risk areas are: …

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One Comment

  1. ITt’s wonderful that Manitoba is identifying where you can contract Lyme – but horrid that Chronic Lyme/Tick-bourne illness still isn’t recognized as a treatable disease in Manitoba and nearly everyone who’s contracted it in Manitoba has had to go out of province for diagnosis and treatment.
    Ill for 10+ years.. diagnosed in BC… still treated like a hypochondriac by Winnipeg doctors and specialists.

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