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OPINION: Lyme science isn’t settled

Patients forging path of 1980s AIDS activists. They should be heard. MARY BETH PFEIFFER Published March 29, 2019 in The Chronical Herald Four decades after ticks sickened thousands and fomented controversy in the United States, Canada has a unique and precious opportunity. It has the chance to get it right on Lyme disease. It can…

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Breaking News: Canada Acknowledges In Utero Transmission of Lyme Disease!

Canadians Concerned About Lyme Disease OCT 5, 2018 — “What is the value of one child’s life?” As Canadians, we soon will be coming together to celebrate a cherished national holiday: Thanksgiving. At LymeHope we are genuinely thankful for the incredible news which we will now share with you. This news pertains to all Canadians…