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Migratory Songbirds Transport Amblyomma longirostre and Amblyomma maculatum Ticks to Canada

ABSTRACT Birds transport ticks into Canada during northward spring migration, and some of these ticks are infected with tick-borne zoonotic pathogens. Some Amblyomma species harbour pathogens that cause debilitating diseases that can be fatal to humans, and domestic and wildlife animals. At least 65 Amblyomma spp. are indigenous in the Western Hemisphere, and approximately half…

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Epidemiology of Ehrlichiosis, Anaplasmosis [Can be coinfection with other tick borne disease(s) or stand alone infections]

Nov 26th, 2018 Ehrlichiosis “Ehrlichiosis is a disease caused by several Gram-negative obligate intracellular bacteria that are transmitted by a tick vector. The frequency of ehrlichiosis is increasing, which is ascribed to the increased awareness and diagnostic availability, as well as the expansion of regions populated with the most common tick vector – Amblyomma americanum (also known…

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Filarial Nematode Infection in Ixodes scapularis Ticks Collected from Southern Connecticut

Pabbati Namrata, Jamie M. Miller, Madari Shilpa, Patlolla Raghavender Reddy, Cheryl Bandoski, Michael J. Rossi and Eva Sapi Veterinary Sciences, 2014, 1(1), 5-15. Abstract It was recently demonstrated that the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum could harbor filarial nematodes within the genus Acanthocheilonema. In this study, Ixodes scapularis (deer) ticks collected from Southern Connecticut were…


Diversity of piroplasms detected in blood-fed and questing ticks from several states in the United States.

Shock BC, Moncayo A, Cohen S, Mitchell EA, Williamson PC, Lopez G, Garrison LE, Yabsley MJ. online before print 2014 Apr 4.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ttbdis.2014.01.003 Abstract Piroplasms in the genera Babesia, Theileria, and Cytauxzoon are tick-borne parasites that may be animal and human pathogens. Most piroplasms with known life cycles are transmitted by ixodid ticks; however, for many…

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Detection of human bacterial pathogens in ticks collected from Louisiana black bears (Ursus americanus luteolus).

Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 2013 Apr;4(3):191-6. doi: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2012.12.002. Epub  2013 Feb 15. Leydet BF Jr, Liang FT. Source Department of Pathobiological Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA. Electronic address: bleyde1 [at] tigers [dot] lsu [dot] edu. Abstract There are 4 major human-biting tick species in the northeastern United States,…