Welcome to the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation
The Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation (CanLyme) was created to promote a more complete and comprehensive understanding of Lyme disease and related illnesses through research, education and advocacy to help reduce misdiagnosis and improve treatments for Lyme disease.
Get help for Lyme
Recognizing symptoms and learning how to talk to your doctor are the first steps towards treatment.
Learn more about Lyme
Understanding Lyme disease is the best way to prevent, diagnose and treat it.
Get the facts
Get the facts on ticks and tick-borne diseases. There are many myths!
Recent dispatches
This giving season, your support changes lives
For over two decades, the Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation has worked to raise awareness about Lyme disease and fight…
$2 million gift boosts University of Guelph Lyme research lab
A Canadian research lab dedicated to the study of Lyme disease got a big boost in November with a…
ILADS 2024: Moving the needle on tick borne disease
Every year more Canadian health care practitioners are realizing the importance of tick borne and other chronic infections and…
CDC reconfirms Chronic Lyme, denies effectiveness of more antibiotics
Animal models of the disease show that persistent symptoms may be due to an interplay between persistent infection, immune…
Where there are ticks, there’s often Lyme disease
Lyme disease is caused by an infection that is most often transmitted by ticks, but it can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy.
Ticks can attach to your body without being seen or felt, and diagnosis can be difficult due to symptom presentation, testing protocols and other challenges.
Learn to protect yourself
You can support our work
CanLyme is a registered Canadian charity. We rely on the financial support of donors. You can help save lives.
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More news
Remembering Jim Wilson
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the death of our founder and past-president, Jim Wilson.
Researchers study ticks in Ottawa where residential zones border woodland areas
32% of the adult and nymph ticks tested positive for Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacteria that causes Lyme disease.
Bartonella DNA more common in patients with psychosis
Research also identifies limitations with antibody testing.
Another young woman dies in the midst of ongoing confusion around Lyme disease
We need to do better.
Finding Resilience: A Teen’s Journey Through Lyme Disease
The writing in this book is captivating, moving back and forth between Rachel’s perspective and what Dorothy recalled about…
Summer camp leaders, outdoor educators, teachers, and parents
Help keep kids safe in the outdoors by learning about ticks and Lyme disease.
Clinician education grants available at CanLyme
Deepen your understanding of Lyme disease and other tick-borne infections through online learning.
Why Canadian public healthcare fails Lyme patients and why they seek treatment elsewhere
Promoting Canadian research and researchers.