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Hyperacusis (sound sensitivity), tinnitus (ringing in the ears), sudden hearing loss in Lyme disease – literature references

Sound Sensitivity (Hyperacusis) and the Lyme Disease Connection (Increased sensitivity to certain frequency and volume ranges of sound) Carbamazepine in the Treatment of Lyme Disease–Induced Hyperacusis https://neuro.psychiatryonline.org/…/10.1176/jnp.11.1.97 AETIOLOGY AND CLINICAL PRESENTATIONS OF AUDITORY PROCESSING DISORDERS—A REVIEW HTTP://ADC.BMJ.COM/CONTENT/85/5/361.SHORT TINNITUS, HEARING LOSS, SOUND SENSITIVITY AND THE LYME DISEASE CONNECTION Otolaryngologic aspects of Lyme disease. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2041438 Central Auditory Processing Disorder https://link.springer.com/…/10.1007%2F978-0-387-79948-3… Lyme…