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Lyme Disease-Induced Polyradiculopathy Mimicking Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Abstract Importance: To describe a case of predominantly motor polyradiculopathy secondary to Lyme disease that can mimic motor neuron disease and has been rarely reported. Observations: A 64 year-old man presented with a one-month history of rapidly progressive weakness involving bulbar, upper limb and lower limb muscles. The physical examination showed widespread weakness, atrophy, fasciculation and brisk…

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Mother diagnosed with MS and facing life in a wheelchair is cured – after she discovered her symptoms were due to a TICK BITE

 PUBLISHED 17 June 2013 Julia  Marshall-Wessendorf, 37, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in  2010 An MRI scan  showedlesions on her  brain and spinal cord consistent with MS Was on expensive drug  regime and thought she faced future in a wheelchair Developed other symptoms  inconsistent with MS so did some research Went to doctor and asked …