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Crowdsourcing used to fund Lyme disease FOI request

BY PAMELA FAYERMAN, VANCOUVER SUN SEPTEMBER 8, 2014 In tickety-tock time Monday morning, a Lyme disease advocate was successful in crowdsourcing enough money to pay the Provincial Health Services Authority fee for documents requested through a Freedom of Information request. Half the $2,160 fee came from Dr. Liz Zubek, a former physician with the Complex Chronic…


Environmentalist gets results through persistent pursuit of documents

VANCOUVER — The Globe and Mail Published Sunday, Jul. 07 2013, 10:00 PM EDT As a child, Gwen Barlee learned the value of digging deeper, but it was not until she grew up and began to investigate government that her perseverance really paid off. Ms. Barlee, policy director of the Wilderness Committee, has carved out…