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Squamish, BC: Local woman tells nightmare of Lyme disease

Awareness evening to be held in Squamish next week   Kerri Currier / Squamish Chief / June 4, 2015 Squamish is a gorgeous natural playground to raise a family. However, the security I had in nature came to a halt upon learning the reality of Lyme disease treatment in B.C. I presented to the walk-in clinic…

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From urine therapy to vitamins: study warns of untested Lyme disease ‘cures’

[CanLyme note: What is not addressed in this article below is that if patients were being properly handled within the Canadian health care system, they wouldn’t be so desperate to try anything to get their life back. The article also infers that the CDC PHAC tests are good enough to determine a person does not have…

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Borrelia miyamotoi sensu lato seroreactivity and seroprevalence in the northeastern United States.

[CanLyme note:  More evidence that the current two tier testing model imposed upon Canadians is incapable of detecting the genetic diversity of Borrelia we have, just as Health Canada published 1.5 years ago, yet Infectious Disease doctors, including paediatricians refuse to see anyone without a positive two tier test… stunningly unethical and ‘to hell with the patient,…

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Lyme Disease Think Tank, British Columbia’s Women’s Hospital Complex Chronic Disease Program, Vancouver, BC Canada

On April 13th, 2013, a one day Think Tank was held for the medical professionals at the BC Women’s Hospital invloved with the Complex Chronic disease Program headed by Medical Director, Dr. Alison Bested. Here are YouTube presentations of each of the presenters at the symposium; 1) Dr. Alison Bested’s opening remarks including the introduction…