Dr. Sarah Keating

As an anatomic pathologist for more than 35 years, Sarah has worked on staff at several hospitals in Ontario as well as in the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario and Ontario Forensic Pathology Services. Her experience includes general anatomic, musculoskeletal and perinatal pathology as well as forensic pathology encompassing homicide cases and medicolegal autopsies. She is currently a Pathologist at Ontario Forensic Pathology Services and an Associate Professor Emeritus in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology at the University of Toronto.

Sarah is a respected practitioner, educator, researcher, and lecturer; and has authored 85 peer-reviewed publications and delivered more than 100 abstracts, lectures and presentations provincially, nationally and internationally.

Sarah contributes her time to a number of community organizations and is a passionate advocate for the health, environmental and animal compassion benefits of a whole foods plant-based diet. In addition to her Board role at CanLyme she is also a member of ILADS – the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society.

Sarah Keating, PhD, smiles in her study in front of a bookshelf full of books.
All of the tools in the most fully featured tick removal kit are on display.

Tick removal kits

1 min read
We are a volunteer driven, registered charity. All proceeds go to education, prevention, awareness, research, and support.
A diagram of tick hotspots hover over top of an image of a hiker carrying a backpack.

Prevention tips

3 min read
Regular tick checks are a way to check your body for crawling or embedded ticks. Check everywhere including these hotspots.
Mother and child sit together tenderly in the beautiful light streaming into the kitchen through a multi panel window.

Donate now

6 min read
Your donation helps us to fund research and education for health care providers, advance prevention and awareness of Lyme disease – and more.
Illustrations in four panels of how to remove a tick by using tweezers and grabbing way low down near where it's embedded on the skin and pulling straight up, and then washing the skin around where it was embedded.

Tick removal

2 min read
If you’ve discovered an embedded tick on yourself or someone else there are a few important things to remember.
A microscopic view of borrelia burgdorferi, a corkscrew shaped bacteria.

Lyme basics

3 min read
Although it is most commonly associated with a tick bite, many people who have Lyme disease do not recall seeing or feeling a tick bite.
A woman walks with her two dogs along a path near in the forest.


7 min read
By taking the right precautions and spreading the word, you can effectively protect yourself, and your family, from Lyme.