W. Reuben Kaufman, PhD

(Salt Spring Island, BC) 

Professor emeritus, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Alberta

Reuben has a B.Sc (1965) and M.Sc (1967) from McGill University, and a PhD (1972) from University British Columbia and has published over 100 research articles during his career. Since the late 1960s, he has conducted research on the physiology of ixodid ticks, the family that includes vectors of the Lyme Disease bacterium, B. burgdorferi. After postdoctoral fellowships at Cambridge University (England) 1971-1974, and the University of Neuchatel (Switzerland) 1975-1977, he became a professor at the University of Alberta.

His original research experience includes salivary gland physiology and pharmacology. Salivary glands play a major role in tick biology that is similar to that of the kidneys for most animals. The female tick uses the blood nutrients to produce thousands of eggs. Concentration of the blood meal nutrients, and hence egg production, is maximized by excreting a lot of the water content of the original blood meal. The female tick, having no kidneys, achieves this by secreting back into the host a large percentage of the imbibed fluid of host blood. It is via this large volume of saliva that tick-borne diseases (including Lyme Disease) are transmitted from tick to host.

Reuben was invited to join CanLyme in 2005 and welcomed the opportunity to expand his knowledge of ticks and tick-borne diseases. Since 2007 he has been researching the mechanical properties of tick cuticle (the ‘outer skin’) in order to better understand how the tick expands so enormously during the feeding period (a fully engorged female tick can exceed 100 times the weight of an unfed one). 

After retiring from the U of A in 2012, Reuben relocated to Salt Spring Island, BC, where he continued his research on the mechanical properties of tick cuticle until 2021. This research was made possible due to the generosity of Justene Tedder, owner of the Gulf Islands Veterinary Clinic, who provided him space and other support for his laboratory.

Read more at the U of A Biology website.

Dr. W. Reuben Kaufman smiles with large blue glasses and a blue shirt.
All of the tools in the most fully featured tick removal kit are on display.

Tick removal kits

1 min read
We are a volunteer driven, registered charity. All proceeds go to education, prevention, awareness, research, and support.
A diagram of tick hotspots hover over top of an image of a hiker carrying a backpack.

Prevention tips

3 min read
Regular tick checks are a way to check your body for crawling or embedded ticks. Check everywhere including these hotspots.
Mother and child sit together tenderly in the beautiful light streaming into the kitchen through a multi panel window.

Donate now

6 min read
Your donation helps us to fund research and education for health care providers, advance prevention and awareness of Lyme disease – and more.
Illustrations in four panels of how to remove a tick by using tweezers and grabbing way low down near where it's embedded on the skin and pulling straight up, and then washing the skin around where it was embedded.

Tick removal

2 min read
If you’ve discovered an embedded tick on yourself or someone else there are a few important things to remember.
A microscopic view of borrelia burgdorferi, a corkscrew shaped bacteria.

Lyme basics

3 min read
Although it is most commonly associated with a tick bite, many people who have Lyme disease do not recall seeing or feeling a tick bite.
A woman walks with her two dogs along a path near in the forest.


7 min read
By taking the right precautions and spreading the word, you can effectively protect yourself, and your family, from Lyme.