
We post events by CanLyme and also by the broader community which include community events and ongoing education opportunities for clinicians, patients, and the general public. 

Information provided by CanLyme is for consideration only and does not constitute medical advice or endorsement of specific tests, treatments, practitioners or learning platforms. 

If you have an event you’d like to add to our events calendar, please contact

2024 Lyme Fly-In: Virtual Event

On February 20-21, 2024 Center for Lyme Action will host its annual Virtual Fly-In to connect advocates with their Members of Congress.  Last year more than 300 advocates registered for more than 200 meetings with Congress Members.

Early-bird rates end February 29: ILADS European Scientific Conference

ILADS European Scientific Conference Starberg, Germany

ILADS European Scientific Conference April 19-21, 2024 Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Starnberg Starnberg (near Munich) Germany Make plans to join us in Germany in April for the ILADS European Scientific Conference. The Conference brings together doctors and medical professionals to learn about emerging treatments and strategies to help diagnose and treat vector-borne illnesses in their everyday...

Webinar: Diagnosis and Treatment of Lyme Carditis

Dr. Adrian Baranchuk is a cardiologist and professor based in Kingston, Ontario will join Project Lyme and ILADS to discuss cardiological manifestations of Lyme disease, specifcally Lyme carditis, and present on how he diagnoses and treats the condition.

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month

Lyme Disease Awareness Month is observed every May in Canada and internationally. During May we join with organizations and communities to amplify prevention and education and advocate for patients. Cases of Lyme disease have been rapidly increasing in recent years, which is expected to continue. See our 2023 events.

Walk for Lyme: Jen’s Journey

Riverside Park The Rotary Bandshell Uji Way, Kamloops, BC, Canada

Walk for Lyme - Jen's Journey is an event where those affected by Lyme Disease can support one another, while at the same time demonstrating to the rest of Canada that there is indeed, many of us suffering from this disease in British Columbia.

Webinar: Chronic Lyme Disease

Have you ever wondered if your chronic symptoms could be due to Lyme disease or a Lyme co-infection? Learn to recognize the typical symptoms of Lyme and co-infections and how to test for them. Hosted by Dr. Eleanor Stein with guest presenter Dr. Tim Cook, expert in environmental health and tropical medicine.

Healing Lyme Summit, 2024

At this summit, they will share the latest research, treatment innovations, and management strategies to help you regain control of your health.

Lyme persistence and use of combination therapies

Researchers at Tulane University have found that a combination of antibiotics is more effective in treating Lyme disease than the commonly prescribed course of one single antibiotic. This finding, published in Frontiers in Microbiology, could pave the way for improved Lyme disease treatments, particularly in persistent cases that have not responded to standard antibiotic treatment....