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New book: “It’s Not Just Ticks It’s Not Just Lyme” by Dr. Ben Boucher

Press Release:

Charles Benjamin Boucher, MD is pleased to announce the Amazon publication (e-book and paperback) of his book “It’s Not Just Ticks It’s Not Just Lyme”: pertinent insights into the origin, recognition and treatment of Lyme and related Infections.

Dr. Ben Boucher is a retired family physician. He practiced medicine in rural Nova Scotia (Cape Breton) for 35 years. In the last seven years of his career, he received education on Lyme and related infections. This allowed him to assess and treat (when indicated) over 200 patients from across Canada using International Lyme and Associated Disease Society (ILADS) protocols.

Research activities resulted in showing that his treatments were effective; that Bartonella (Cat Scratch Disease) infections are likely more prevalent than Lyme disease; and that brain Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) was helpful in diagnosing these infections. Advocacy activities included presentations to interested groups; as a Canadian representative on an international ad hoc committee to the WHO in Geneva; and a presentation to the Canadian House of Commons standing committee on health.
He hopes that the information in this book will be beneficial to the general public as well as health care practitioners.

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