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CTV: Alberta Primetime – Lyme Disease in Alberta

May 10th, 2018

[CanLyme Note: Dr. Dan Gregson, seen in this news report, infectious disease HIV specialist (not Lyme disease specialist) says diagnose Lyme disease by the rash??  The majority will not get the rash so their diagnoses will be missed.  Then Dr. Gregson goes on to say they want clinics across Canada like the one in BC at BC Women’s Hospital.  This clinic is an abysmal failure and has never diagnosed/treated anyone with chronic active Lyme disease infection.  The original doctors hired to run the clinic quit, because they were restricted from diagnosing and treating Lyme disease, by members of the Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease of Canada (AMMI, of which Dr. Gregson was president).  We challenge Dr. Gregson to show any definitive case study or report, or any test that shows the people looking for help at the clinic because of a suspicion of Lyme disease were ever properly evaluated to show they do not have Lyme disease. Not one person that we are aware of has ever been diagnosed with Lyme disease and treated appropriately (based upon clinical response) with antibiotics for this serious bacterial infection at the BC Clinic. They are being diagnosed with ‘anything but Lyme’ with vague labels such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or somatoform disorder (a mental disorder label given to people often when medical professionals choose to ignore evidence-based science relative to organic causation).

Dr. Gregson, please provide any witnesses that will show that Lyme disease is being effectively diagnosed and treated at the BC Clinic. Such evidence does not exist.]

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  1. I was bitten in AB in Sep. 2012 and was very sick 24 hours later. My FP checked my body all over for any rash, there were none so she refused to treat my symptoms. My symptoms went away for 13 months then came back with a vengeance requiring hospitalization. It took me another 17 months to see an LLMD in AB who has been treating me since then. However the lack of Lyme knowledge of my FP has led me to suffering from chronic Lyme. I HAD NO RASH. My infection has been confirmed by Armin Lab in Germany as well as iGenex in California.

  2. My 5 year old daughter was bitten by a tick 2 weeks ago, my wife properly removed the tick and sent it in for testing, the test came back positive that the tick was a carrier of the bacteria. she never had any type of rash or flu like symptoms at all, we just took her in for blood work today, the doctor that we seen said that there has been NO cases of Lyme disease in humans in Alberta in 2018. I think that doctor is full of shit. now we have to wait 5 days for the test results!!! So hoping It comes back negative!

  3. Shawn: How is your daughter? Has she any symptoms? She is so young to be able to dialogue with you concerning such a serious possibility. My heart goes out to you.

    Norah: How are you doing. It sounds like you have Lyme Disease Doctor. Thankfully he or she will be able to treat this new epidemic. I hope you are getting better.

    My granddaughter in B.C. has (15 yrs) has late-stage Lyme, tested in Germany, but no Doctor yet. Is there a treatment centre or in B.C., Canada, or in the USA that has been of help and can be recommended? Thank-you.

  4. My granddaughter in B.C. has (15 yrs) has late-stage Lyme, tested in Germany, but no Doctor yet. Is there a treatment centre or in B.C., Canada, or in the USA that has been of help and can be recommended? Thank-you.

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