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N.L. woman who beat Lyme disease now researching illness in U.S.

Krista Hewlett forced to quit medical school due to condition


A Newfoundland woman who battled Lyme disease for four years is now on the cutting edge of researching the condition in the United States.

Krista Hewlett is currently a research associate at a clinic in Connecticut doing integrated medical treatment of Lyme disease.

But a few years back she became so sick with the undiagnosed ailment, she was forced to quit medical school in Newfoundland.

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  1. Really didn’t like the smug tone from this woman. She was lucky enough to be able to afford to go to the States for treatment and to find an LLMD there. She just painted a picture that was a little to easy for my liking. What about babies that are contracting it from infected mothers? I can’t imagine an infant going through that. The pathological arrogance in medicine is much more than doctors in Canada just not having enough exposure and expertise. And because medicine is socialist here, unlike the States where doctors who don’t make people well go out of business, there just is no accountability for doctors who dismiss the gravely ill here.

  2. And she didn’t really ‘beat’ Lyme Disease. She lucked out and found the right treatment ie. 5 different types of antibiotics. Saying she ‘beat’ it implies that she did something herself through her own strength and totally deflects attention from the fact that she got the right treatment.

  3. Hi I am from Grand bank Newfoundland I have been to the doctor many times and been also sick for a couple of years so sick I couldn’t work and now I I can do is lay in bed wondering what’s wrong with me I had that bullseye rash on me a couple years ago and I went to the doc and they told me that they can’t test for Lyme. So what am I suppose to do. he never even treated me for it. I am sick of going back and forth to the doc. Is there a clinic in Newfoundland that test for these things

  4. May 1981 while living in Ontario got really sick fever ,stiff neck ,everything went down hill from there on.Never was the same after that thinking could i possibility have contracted lyme disease

  5. Have you had any luck being diagnosed?? My son was diagnosed this pass September.

  6. Hi Judy,
    How is your son? Did you get the treatments in Germany? Our son is very sick with lyme symptoms for over 2 years now, but we haven’t gotten a diagnoses yet.

  7. Winston its the same all across Canada I was told by my doctor he was an evidence based doctor, inferring he could not give further antibiotics even if I am still symptomatic, I also had a bullseye in the groin. I wonder if its a time for a class action lawsuit against the medical boards and government? Surely this cannot go on its been know for thirty years or more…

  8. Hi Judy,
    How did the hyperthermia treatments work for your son, Ryan?
    My daughter has Lyme and is experiencing neurological symptoms such as dizziness ( feels like standing on a rocking boat) , hydrocephalus, fatigue and more. We are desperate and only have a diagnosis because we heard a CBC interview of another Lyme sufferer in manitoba. He pointed us to a naturopath to get lab testing in Germany which came back positive. We are still waiting for the results from the Canadian lab and it was taken months ago.

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