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Watch video of speeches of politicians and Canada’s Ride For Lyme cyclists at the Ride For Lyme kick-off event

Listen to British Columbia provincial MLA Lana Popham, City Council member Chris Coleman, and cyclists Daniel Corso and Tanner Cookson.
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Listen to Lyme disease victim and advocate Gwen Barlee, and provincial MLA Carole James
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Listen to Canadian Lyme Disease Foundation director and ex BC provincial MLA David Cubberley,
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One Comment

  1. I have bin sick for quite a few years. Bin two about a dozen MD. Half a dozen specialist. Went to a ND he told me that I have Lyme disease for the last 4 years. I have bin off work for about a month. I have all the symptoms of Lyme. I got tested but came back negative. Is there another MD in Saskatchewan or Alberta that I can see soon. I cannot afford the Lyme test from the US.! Please Help.

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