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CTV News, Calgary, Canada: Lyme disease – the ongoing battle
Karen Owen, CTV Calgary Published Tuesday, June 3, 2014 1:39PM MDT One tiny tick can ruin a life. Lyme disease is caused by a bite from an infected blacklegged tick. The bite itself can go unnoticed, but the disease can be difficult to ignore. Many Canadians, who are seriously ill, believe Lyme disease is often misdiagnosed…
Gulf Islands, BC, Canada: Peak tick season prompts warning
[CanLyme note: Reuben Kaufman, PhD, is a long time Board member of CanLyme] By Sean McIntyre on March 23, 2016 – Gulf Islands Driftwood news With peak tick season upon the island, a Salt Spring-based researcher warns residents that a few basic precautions can prevent a world of grief. Reuben Kaufman has pulled, poked and probed…
In legislature, Ontario’s Minister of Health is pushed for action to include stakeholders in a new direction for Lyme disease
Watch as MPP Mike Mantha questions Minister, and Minister’s response. View here
Lyme Misdiagnosis Can Divert Patients From Correct Treatment
[CanLyme Note: We agree totally that a thorough diagnostic work-up should preclude any diagnosis. Not everything is Lyme borreliosis. What is so dismaying, however, is the focus of the US CDC MD’s on the few cases such as those listed in this article, while they ignore the tens of thousands of legitimate chronic Lyme disease cases….
Urinary Bladder Detrusor Dysfunction Symptoms in Lyme
Basant K. Puri,1 Mussadiq Shah,2 Peter O. Julu,1,2,3 Michele C. Kingston,2 and Jean A. Monro2 1Department of Medicine, Imperial College London, London, UK. 2Department of Neuroscience, Breakspear Medical Group, Hemel Hempstead, UK. 3National Rett Center, Frösön, Sweden. Abstract Purpose Symptoms of urinary bladder detrusor dysfunction have been rarely reported in Lyme disease. The aim was…
(case report) Lyme Neuroborreliosis Manifesting as an Intracranial Mass Lesion
Neurosurgery Issue: Volume 30(5), May 1992, p 769-773 Copyright: Copyright (C) by the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Publication Type: [Case Report] ISSN: 0148-396X Accession: 00006123-199205000-00021 Keywords: Lyme disease, Stereotaxis [Case Report] Lyme Neuroborreliosis Manifesting as an Intracranial Mass Lesion Murray, Rhett M.D.; Morawetz, Richard M.D.; Kepes, John M.D.; El Gammal, Taher M.D.; LeDoux, Mark M.D….