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CTV National News: Side effects of Lyme disease

CTV’s medical specialist Avis Favaro reports on the painful side effects of undiagnosed Lyme disease in Canada and the link to child arthritis.

Dr. Robbin Lindsay from the National Microbiology Laboratory speaks. Prompt and thorough tick checks are required. 

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  1. could someone please help us. My niece has been partially diagnosed with Lupus, we believe she has been infected with Lyme Disese. Last year she had a tick underneath her skin and has been sick since. She has been tested for Lyme via blood test, it it came back negative. The specialist told us yesterday that when the blood test comes back negative then it is considered not to be there, but a positive can be inaccurate. Then we were also advised by the specialist that the Lyme tick is not in Costa Rica ???
    My niece has worked with horses here in the surrounding area of Newmarket and Aurora, she has cleaned out numerous barns and has come in contact with barn cats. How can this Disese be completely ruled out ??????? We do not have Lupus in our family history.
    What can we do as our next step, is there a clinic we can contact for further testing ???
    Please help with any information you might have.
    Thank you

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