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UNF Professor Discovers Two Lyme Disease Bacteria Previously Unknown to Infect Human Patients

Dr. Kerry Clark, associate professor of public health at the University of North Florida in Jacksonville, and his colleagues have found additional cases of Lyme disease in patients from several states in the southeastern U.S. These cases include two additional Lyme disease Borrelia species recently identified in patients in Florida and Georgia. Overall, 42 percent…


Lyme disease isn’t just Borrelia burgdorferi and Lone Star ticks do transmit Lyme disease study proves.

UNF Researchers Make Big Discovery About Lyme Disease [CanLyme note: Lone star ticks will make their way into Canada and are much more aggressive than the black-legged (deer tick) species.  We at CanLyme have also been stating for years that Lyme disease is a borreliosis, not only caused by Borrelia burgdorferi… the significance of this is…